Community organizations "Philosophy of Heart"
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Legal status: Public organization "Philosophy of Heart" - public, non-governmental, non-profit organization.

Year of establishment: 2007

The organization extends to the entire territory of Ukraine, as well as state of the European Union and CIS.

Mission: To involve the public in the development of policy and managerial decision-making bodies in the priority areas of social development, the consolidation efforts of civil society and social problems.

Main directions of activity:

1. Public monitoring and examination of the authorities.

2. Participation in the development and implementation of state policy in the field of social protection.

3. Study and implementation in Ukraine of international experience in the field of preventing and combating corruption. Participation in the development, implementation and enforcement of national anti-corruption policy, particularly at the regional level.

4. Study and implementation in Ukraine of international experience in the provision of administrative services.

5. Information and educational activities. Promoting the rights of citizens to free access to information.

6. Promotion of libraries in Ukraine.

7. The development of international cooperation in the framework of the EU "Eastern Partnership".

8. Organization of leisure and recreation for children and youth. Conducting summer camps and promote recovery of teenage clubs in the community.

Press-conference "International and native experience the implementation of administrative services. Problems and Prospects for Ukraine "

January 23, 2013, at 13.00, at the office of the agency "Regionews" will be held a press conference "International and native experience the implementation of administrative reforms. Problems and Prospects for Ukraine. "

The press conference participants: 1. Aleksey Sinitsyn, deputy head of the NGO "Philosophy of the Heart" - moderator;
2. Julia Griga, head of the NGO "Philosophy of Heart";
3. Dr.Mariia Gornostai, coordinator of the Economic Reforms Coordination Center under the President of Ukraine;
4. Mykola Povoroznyk, Deputy Direc industry and business development
Kyiv City State Administration;
5. Vladislav Radysh, Public Sector Director "Microsoft".

During the press-conference, the participants will talk about the prospects for implementation of the Law of Ukraine "On Administrative Services' priorities for its implementation in 2013, the problems in the development of centers of administrative services, international best practices in this area, the state of development of electronic services on Uniform State portal administrative services, and about the role and participation in the implementation of the state policy in the field of administrative services.

Address: IA RegioNews, Kyiv, str. Khreschatyk, 10-B, 3rd Floor, off. 8.



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